Sunday, January 19, 2014

What Marriage Equality Means to Gay Couples

What Marriage Equality Means to Gay Couples

We’re now living in an age where morality is being questioned. What was once condemned as ‘wrong’ and ‘unnatural’ is now being considered ‘equal’ to heterosexuality. For people that are for same-sex marriage, they are claiming that this is an issue of gay rights in contrast to being an argument about what is right and wrong. There was a recent article that compiled several gay couples to discuss on how a ban on gay marriage would affect their lives.

A major complaint of gay couples is that with a ban on gay marriage, they would not be able to financially support their partners when there is a medical emergency. The Family Medical Leave Act prohibits gay people from taking time off to care for their injured significant other since the law doesn’t officially recognize gay couples as married. 

Another argument for gay marriage equality would be convenience. For gay couples in which one of them is a foreign resident, both individuals would be forced to go to the person’s home country since the government doesn’t recognize gay marriage. Gay couples would define marriage equality as the right to stay in the country with their partner.

This is obviously a controversial subject that pushes many buttons. For gay couples, the laws against official gay marriage would be an inconvenience to their lifestyles and that is why they fight against the laws.

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