Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Australian High Court: Australian Capital Territory's Marriage Equality Law Is Unconstitutional

 Australian High Court: Australian Capital Territory's Marriage Equality Law Is Unconstitutional

Imagine that you have been married for a while and then you get to know that you have to annul it because it has been deemed as unconstitutional! How would you feel? 

That is exactly how a lot of same-sex Australian couples felt when the Australian High Court declared that the Australian Capital Territory’s “marriage equality law” is unconstitutional! As many as 27 couples from ACT have married under the law and now all of them will have to annul their marriage according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 

The marriage equality law was passed just recently by the ACT legislature in October, giving a new ray of hope to same-sex couples in Australia by making gay marriage legal. The federal government immediately went to the high court against the order, saying that it violates the Federal Marriage Law of 2004, which validates marriage only when it happens between a man and a woman. The high court has not given its full judgment yet, but whatever it has said so far, has clearly spelled doom for gay marriage equality in Australia. 

We can only hope that all LGBT community in Australia put up a brave face and fight for gay rights and gay marriage equality.

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